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Welcome to The Green Room featuring Allen Nop, Photographer

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

Make time to fill your cup.

My therapist analogizes my mental and emotional wellbeing to that of a cup.

She always urges me to be mindful of how things and people around me impact my cup, so that when it is getting a little empty, I can be intentional about filling it back up by doing something that I enjoy, and/or spending time with the people that I love.

Maintaining a full cup was the motivation behind my creation of The Green Room. Working in healthcare during a global pandemic sent my anxiety into overrdrive and I needed a sanctuary space that I could retreat to and feel safe, rested and creative: a full cup.

I used to think that when I felt lethargic and afraid and restless, that I needed more rest, and sometimes that is the case. But often times my body is signaling to me that my cup is running low, and what I actually need to do is *move*—to get my hands in some soil, water my plants, dance to some old Anita Baker, FaceTime my family, read a book, or collaborate with a friend on something creative.

So when I got the opportunity to link up with Allen Nop, a local photographer/videographer and YouTuber, it was just what I needed. I loved sharing The Green Room with Allen. His energy was radiant and the vibe never felt transactional, just two creators creating for the love of it, which is how it should be!

I’m so happy to share this space with y’all and I hope it fills you up, if only a little, like it does me. Take a peek inside The Green Room and be sure to check out Allen's pages. He's amazing!

Allen's Instagram

Allen's Website

Allen's Youtube

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